Model Christian College Kohima

Model Christian College observes Teachers‟ Day

Model Christian College with the rest of the country observed Teachers‟ Day on the 5th of September, 2022, at the College Auditorium. Professor, Dr. Buno S. Liegise, HoD, Education Department, Nagaland University, Meriema Campus was the guest speaker for the program. The hosts for the event were Ms. Karini of BA 1st semester and Mr. Shembo of BA 1st semester. Speech on behalf of the students was delivered by Mr. Tongwang Yanglem of 5th semester.
Dr. Buno Legiese, speaking on the topic „Developing Professionalism in the Context of NEP 2020‟ said„NEP 2020‟closed the separation between arts, science and commerce and is transforming the higher education system into a multidisciplinary one. With the new system, the role of a teacher is more like a facilitator than a „gatekeeper of information.‟ She added, the pedagogy is changing towards student led learning.
Liegise also emphasized that professionalism has two important characteristics: competence and commitment and that It is the need of the hour. A teacher must be aware of one‟s shortcomings and work on it. Teachers are encouraged to engage in research activities. Commitment includes being punctual, being competent in the class and being able to communicate and express the subject matter. To have a right attitude towards one‟s profession is considered a must. She concluded her speech by quoting W.A. Ward, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires”.