Second Autumn Fest Held At MCC on 2nd November 2024
Model Christian College hosted its 2nd Autumn Fest, 2024 on 2nd November at the college campus under the theme “Embracing the Present”. Shembo Achumi President, MCCSC and Convenor of the event, delivered the welcome address followed by an illuminating array of performances by the students of MCC and MHSS.
Chief Guest, Neizokhotuo Belho, Chairman, Tsiepfü Tsepfe, A.G, Colony, Kohima in his speech, mentioned the importance of remembering the past as we embrace the present and look forward to the future. He encouraged the youngsters to do away with “ism” and live in harmony. After the formal session, the Chief Guest inaugurated food stalls.
During an intervene, Dream Notes, The Gears 4.0 and Skaniffa performed for the crowd.
The informal session witnessed performances by guest artists Rovi Metha & Coffee, Yemkong Somba, Akhrieze Lhoushe, Dieze Sothu who enthralled the crowd with their music. The event also included an inter-school dance competition which was won by Chandmari Higher Secondary School. The judges for the competition were K. Vito Sema and Viyeto Sumi, prominent dancers from Nagaland.
The Autumn Fest was sponsored by Dream Catcher Training and Institute (Silver Sponsor), D/Cafe (Bronze Sponsor), Sprectrum (Printing Partner).
The fest ended with a vote of thanks by Shakenye Seb, General Secretary, MCCSC. Followed by benediction by Shovelo Duolo, B.A 5th Semester.
Model Christian College hosts 4th edition of PHOENIX on 30th August, 2024
Model Christian College organizes its annual inter-collegiate talent show hunt PHOENIX on 30th August, 2024 at the college auditorium.
The judges for the event were Ketholenuo Kense, winner of Young Achiever 2017 by Vogue India; Imliakum Aier, singer and songwriter; and Genevive Yanthan, winner of Nagas Best dancer season 2
The event witnessed performances from 12 colleges, totaling upto 23 participants altogether.
Team DGC dance crew from Dimapur Government College won the first position, taking away a cash prize of `15,000; Bokivi I. Yeptho of Model Christian College won second position with a cash prize of `10,000 and K. Vito Sema of Modern College, Piphema won third position with a cash prize of `5,000.
Consolation prizes were awarded to participants from St. Joseph’s College Jakhama, Japfü Christian College Kigewema, Kros College Kohima, Don Bosco College Kohima and Alder College, Kohima.
Model Christian College celebrates Fresher’s Meet on 23rd August, 2024
Model Christian College hosted its 16th Fresher’s Meet 2024 with the theme “Incandescence”. The event started with invocation by Liniu Yepthomi, Women Co-ordinator, MCCSC and welcome note by Shembo Achumi, President, MCCSC.
Mhabemo Odyuo, Vice Principal, shared a little history about the college and encouraged the students to embrace opportunities with open minds.
The program was filled with various performances from the students.
Alise Sangtam and Linokali K Achumi were declared Mister and Miss Fresher, 2024 respectively.
The sub-titles for Best walk were won by Imliakhum and Eloni Amelia, Mr and Ms Congenitality by Jenithung and Tsurila, respectively.
A one day workshop on Research Methodology organised by Research Development Cell in Collaboration with IQAC was held in Model Christian College on 6th April 2024. The resource person for the day was Dr. Boyillapalli Venkata Rao, Associate Professor, Department of Education Nagaland University, Kohima Campus. The workshop was divided into two sessions namely; Research Methodology and Insight on Citations, respectively.Speaking on the topic ‘Research Methodology’ Dr. Rao mentioned that research helps in improving the academic career of the teachers and their teaching skills. He stressed on the importance of having a positive attitude towards research, which will ultimately affect the quality of education. He spoke on important methods of research such as, Review and Purpose of Related Literature, Objectives and Hypothesis, Research Tool Methods, Research Sampling, and Research Methods and Sampling Methods etc.
In the second session, the resource person focused on the insight of citations and its crucial role in academic writing for acknowledging the original authors and upholding academic integrity by avoiding plagiarism. He further highlighted the components of citations which included publication, name of the author, titles etc. and the different styles of citation.
Workshop on “Office Record Management” was conducted for Non-Teaching staff at Model Christian College with resource person Mr. Vemetha Huzhu, Accountant and Er. Neilhite Kapfo, System Administrator from Kohima Science College Autonomous, Jotsoma, Kohima.
The resource persons gave an in-depth insight talk on their experience in the field of record management to the Non-teaching staff.
The programme concluded with vote of thanks from Dr. Mhabemo Odyuo, Vice Principal, Model Christian College.
The students participated in a “One Day Workshop on Career Choice”. The first session was conducted by the Mahendra Educational Private Limited, Kohima. The workshop provided the students with valuable insights, strategies, time management and resources to enhance their chance of success in state and civil services.
In the second session, Kaziranga University, Jorhat, with Mr. Abijeet Bharadwaj, Manager, enlightened the students about diverse career pathways. The Young Indians, in the third session, fostered entrepreneurial spirit among students through interactions and seasoned entrepreneurs.
MCC Celebrates International Women’s Day on 8th March 2024
Model Christian College along with the rest of the world celebrated International Women’s Day on 8th March 2024 at the college auditorium. Organised by the Women’s Cell MCC, the theme for the celebration was Inspire Inclusion- Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.
The special guest for the day was Shri. Pangwan Konyak, Food Technician, State Public Health Laboratory Govt. of Nagaland. Konyak opened his speech in honour of the womenfolk in general. He stated that, ‘inspire-inclusion’ means empowering women to participate in all areas of life and recognising their rights and giving them ample opportunities to explore their strengths. He spoke on the importance of equality and economic independence provided to women so that society can progress in a positive manner.
The programme was chaired by B.Sweety, student of Model Christian College. The event witnessed a special presentation by the band Burritos of B.A 2nd semester. The programme ended with a vote of thanks by Ayieno Pucho, Women’s Cell Coordinator, MCCSC.
One Day Seminar on Career Guidance held at Model Christian College on 17th February, 2024
A One Day Seminar on Career Guidance organised by Career Guidance /Placement Cell, Model Christian College was held at the college auditorium on 17th February, 2024. The seminar which was held in two sessions began with a welcome address by Dr Subongwabang, co-ordinator CGPC, MCC.
In the first session, resource persons from Imperial IAS Academy, Kohima, enlightened the students with the syllabi of NPSC (prelims & mains), the different stages of the exam and the various important posts which come under the purview of NPSC. The 6th semester students were given special counselling by the counsellors of Imperial IAS Academy, where they were divided into 4 groups and and proper direction was given with regard to choosing coaching institutes for NPSC and UPSC exams. The 1st session ended with a vote of thanks by Asenla Jamir, member CGPC.
Imtisenla Longkumer, Communications Asst.& FPO Coordinator and Cukhoyi Chiro, Zonal Head East, from Entrepreneurs Associates spoke in the second session of the seminar. They highlighted about the Entrepreneurs Associates and their mission, characteristics and types of entrepreneurship. They also added that Nagaland has very less start-ups and encouraged the students to contribute to the state economy through smart work and proper time investment . Chemdangnaro Jamir, member CGPC, gave the vote of thanks and ended the session.
The seminar aimed to encourage the students to have a broad knowledge about civil services and entrepreneurship.
Model Christian College celebrated its Annual Cultural Day on the 2nd of March 2024
Model Christian College celebrated its Annual Cultural Day on the 2nd of March 2024 at the college auditorium. The celebration was based on the theme ‘Appreciating Roots Revitalizing Culture’. The special guest for the day was Dr. Theyiesinuo Keditsu, Assistant professor Kohima College, Kohima.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Keditsu stated that, Cultural Day is not the end but the beginning of Cultural Celebration. She asserted that fashion should be a meaningful practise and that clothing is an identity and a narration of one’s own story. Dressing and attires she added, should be our way to reconnect with elders. She emphasized on the importance of dialogues and conversations between tribes and communities, highlighting the beauty of a common ancestry. She concluded with the statement that fashion can enrich our culture and tradition, while deepening our roots and revitalizing our culture.
The programme was compered by Shilumoa Longkumer and Haiziurangle, students of Model Christian College. The event witnessed folk-song, folk play, traditional war dance and others. The major highlight of the programme was a vibrant cultural display of textiles of various Naga tribes. The presentation of which included narration of motifs and patterns used in the different tribal clothes.
The programme ended with a vote of thanks by the Cultural Secretary, MCCSC.
One Day Faculty Development Programme
Model Christian College organized a One Day Faculty Development Programme on 3rd February 2024 at the college auditorium. The resource persons for the day were Prof. Glenn T. Thong, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Nagaland University, Kohima Campus, Meriema, and Dr. Sandip Ratna, Assoc. Prof. State College of Teacher Education, Kohima.
The programme was divided into three Sessions with topics like Role of Educator/ Teacher in the context of NEP 2020, Research, Project and Funding, and Tutorial: Concept and Practice.
Professor Glenn T. Thong on Role of Educator/Teacher in the context of NEP 2020, stressed on the importance of teachers being well equipped and well informed to act as educators and mentors. He also encouraged the teachers to pursue research studies which will benefit the individual, college and society as a whole.
With the implementation of NEP 2020, tutorial is now an integral part of the curriculum. Dr. Sandip Ratna, explained the concepts and practice of tutorial and emphasized that teachers play the role of a doctor in diagnosing, prescribing and evaluating the problems and abilities of the students.
The programme was moderated by Sentinaro Lemtur, Asst. Professor, Department of Geography, and the vote of thanks was delivered by the IQAC coordinator, Dr. Akano Yhokha.
First Autumn Fest Held At Model Christian College
Model Christian College hosted its 1st Autumn Fest, 2023 on the 21st October at the college campus under the theme “Upholding Ethnicity and Culture”. Ajunlo Kent, President MCCSC and Convenor of the event, delivered the welcome address followed by an illuminating array of performances by the students of MCC and MHSS. Albert Arucho, Administrator MCC declared the Fest open.
The informal session witnessed performances by guest artists, Kekhrie Ringa, the Boho Singer and Azi Rudy who enthralled the crowd with their music.
The Autumn Fest was sponsored by Magdeline Coaching Centre (Platinum Sponsor), M/S T. Albert Angami and Co. (Gold Sponsor), Imperial IAS Academy (Gold Sponsor), All Nagaland Taxi Association (Bronze Sponsor) and Crescent International (Bronze Sponsor). The event is also co-sponsored by A-Ki Cafe, FoodSmith Restaurant, Uki Cafe, The Flat Bread, Auto Dynamic, Yaotsu’s Restaurant, TaFMA, Alumni Association MCC, & Sosinle Ras.
The fest ended with a vote of thanks by Raphroyio Lerina, Co-Convenor of the event followed by a closing prayer by Karini Karang, B.A 3rd Semester.
1st Autumn Fest
Model Christian College, Kohima, conducted its 7th Literary Fest on the 7th October, 2023 at the college auditorium under the theme ‘Beyond the classroom: Redefining Learning’. The competitions conducted were; Quartet, Creative Writing, Meme Making, Art out of Waste, Mad Ads, Flag Presentation etc. The competing teams were, Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare and Milton respectively.
Asst. Prof. & HoD of English Department, Thethem Hangsing in her exhortation stated that, the different items for the competition were meticulously curated in order to provoke the students’ mind in order to think beyond the ordinary. She also stressed on the criteria of the competition stating that, creativity, originality, skills, presentation and expression etc are of great value, and exhorted the students to look for the applicability of knowledge gained.
Dr. Meweteu Kapfo, Asst. Professor, Education Department, delivered the invocation prayer. The event concluded with the declaration of results and distribution of prizes. Team Milton was declared the overall winner of the competition, and team Dante as the runner up. Ritsali Ruddy Thonger (Literary Secretary, MCCSC) pronounced the vote of thanks and the closing prayer by Dzüvarou Khamai (President, MCCEU).
Mock Drill Exercise conducted at Model Christian College
The District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), Kohima in collaboration with Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority (NSDMA) and Home Guards and Civil Defence & SDRF organized a mock exercise on Earthquake at Model Christian College, Kohima on 27th September, 2023.
The Mock Drill began with a warning siren at 11:45 am and saw the participation from different departments including a medical team from NHK and Kezocha PHC, Fire department and SDRF team. Various demonstrations and exhibitions on Search and Rescue and usage of different types of fire extinguishers was observed.
The event concluded at 2:30 pm with a de-briefing from Victor Kevilhouthie Yhome, District Project Associate, NSDMA, where he gave a short feedback and thanked all the volunteers, incharges, students and faculties for their active participation. The college was also awarded a commendation certificate from the NSDMA.
The 1st Annual Inter-School Science Fair, 2023 was jointly organised by Model Christian College and Model Hr. Sec. School, under the theme “The role of Science and Technology to combat climate change”. The event started with a prayer by S.P. Francis, Managing Director of the institutes, followed by a welcome address by Nengpilhing Singson, Convenor Science Fair. A short speech was delivered by Er. Onongoto Soleho, Chief Mentor Innovation Hub & Space Education Centre, Kohima, Nagaland. The speaker mentioned that climate change is real, and that science and technology plays a vital role in combating environmental issues. He challenged the audiance to take small yet effective measures inorder to bring positive results. After the speech, the speaker declared open the Science Fair.
The panel of judges for the fair were, Er. Onongoto Soleho, Chief Mentor Innovation Hub and Space Education Centre Kohima, Nagaland; Dr. L. Kenneth Punyü, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and In-charge of EVS Kohima Science College, Jotsoma; and Dr. Mhathang Yanthan, Associate Professor Department of Botany Kohima Science College, Jotsoma.
Declaration of result and prize distribution was initiated by Amul Boro, Member, Science Fair Committee. Model Hr. Sec School was declared the winner with their model Revolutionized Solution to Combat Climate Change, followed by Mt. Sinai Hr. Sec. School and Modern Hr. Sec. School as the 1st and 2nd runner-up of the 1st Inter-School Science Fair, 2023. For the inter-departmental competition, the Department of Zoology won the 1st position with
their model Bio-Plastic, while Department of Geology and Department of Chemistry bagged the 2nd and 3rd positions respectively.
A glance of the activities and functioning of the college was delivered by Dr. Luke Rymbai, Principal MCC. Suchumlo K Kikon of MHSS enthralled the audience with a special song. The event concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Pezavituo Dzüvichü, Co-Convener, Science Fair Committee.
Model Christian College organized an awareness programme on Mission LiFE under National Clean Air Programme (NCAP). Mr Y. Hanpong Konyak, Junior Scientific Assistant, NPCB and Miss Rongsenben Longkumer, Junior Scientific Assistant, NPCB, were the resource persons for the day.
Mr Y. Hanpong Konyak spoke on the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP), highlighting the sources, causes and effects of air pollution. Miss Rongsenben Longkumer spoke on “Mission LiFE” stating that it is a global led movement launched in 2023, which focuses on lifestyle. She stressed on the importance of saving energy, water, waste segregation and the immediate need of focusing on the three R’s. The college took a pledge in contributing towards a cleaner environment and be agents of change. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by Miss Olivi G Chophy, Senior Scientific Assistant, NPCB. Posters and notepads were distributed by the NPCB team.
Awareness cum Training Programme on Segregation of Waste at Source and Composting held at MCC ON 16th AUGUST 2023
An ‘Awareness cum Training Programme on Segregation of Waste at Source and Composting was organized by the Kohima Municipal Council at Model Christian College on 16th August, 2023 at the college auditorium. The team was led by Ms. Lanusenla Longkumer, Administrator, KMC. A photo slide of waste management in different wards within Kohima town was projected. The speaker stressed on the issues and problems faced by the municipal for maintenance and cleanliness due to lack of support by the citizens. She emphasized on the importance of citizens to work hand- in- hand with the Municipal in making Kohima a cleaner city.
Model Christian College organises its 15th Fresher’s Meet
Model Christian College organised its 15th Fresher’s Meet on the 25th August 2023 at the college auditorium. The event kick started with invocation by Dzuvarou Khamai (President EU) and a welcome note by Ajunlo Kent, (President MCCSC) followed by three rounds of the Mister and Miss Fresher contest. The subtitle winners for the contest were Tuto Zhimo, Pensimyile Hau, Elunso K, Zashebonu Savi, Felix Kath, and Ruguozeu Zatsu respectively.
Shilumoa Longkumer and Pensimyile Hau were declared Mister and Miss Fresher 2023. Vizono Khesoh,(Dean of Student’s Welfare), exhorted the students to always be prepared in life and to see the silver lining in every circumstance. The programme ended with a benediction pronounced by Wewa-u Mero (Asst. Professor and Advisor EU).
MCC Students’ Council Election
Model Christian College held its 9th Students’ Council Election at the college auditorium on 5th August, 2023. The intending candidates shared a common platform where speeches were delivered and their agendas and propagandas were heard by the students. After the casting of votes and declaration of results, the newly elected Students’ Council was sworn in to office for the tenure 2023-24.
The new council will be led under the headship of the President Mr. Ajunlo Kent of B.A 5th Semester and his council members.
Pinnacle Skills visits Model Christian College on 23rd August 2023
Pinnacle Skills in collaboration with the Career Guidance & Placement Cell of Model Christian College, organized a career guidance programme for the students of the college. The resource persons present were, Deboyoti Sarkarr (Head Business Development & Placements), Shefaly Dutta (Programme Coordinator & Students’ Advisor, IBM Career Education: North & East), Arenla Kitho (Sr. Manager, Pinnacle Skills), Tongpangkokba (Asst. Manager Operations). Speaking on the importance of technology, Shefaly Dutta mentioned that India with the rest of the world is marching towards great technological advancement and the Northeast of India is also not far behind. She stressed on the importance of developing skills amongst the youths, which will help generate employment. She spoke of topics such as, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, pros & cons of Data Usage, Cyber Security and, IBM Skills Network for Academia.
The programme was chaired by Dr. Supongwabang Asst. Professor and Coordinator of the Career Guidance & Placement Cell, MCC.
MCC holds 3rd edition of Phoenix 2023
Model Christian College hosted the third edition of inter-collegiate talent hunt ‘Phoenix 2023’. The competition provides a platform for students to showcase their talents.
The judges for the event were Mar Jamir, vocalist of the well known band Polar Lights and Moasunep Jingru, EAC, Kohima.
Mhaluno Phesao of Patkai Christian College bagged the 1st position with a cash prize of INR 15,000, while, Chemjungli S. Sangtam of Modern College won the 2nd position with a cash prize of INR 10,000 and Karini Karang of Model Christian College bagged the 3rd position with a cash prize of INR 5,000.
Consolation prizes of INR 1000 each were awarded to 5 participants from Don Bosco College, St. Joseph’s college, KROS college, Japfu Christian College and Kohima Science College.
During the event, Dr. Luke Rymbai, Principal of MCC delivered the welcome address, while the vote of thanks was delivered by Asst. Professor and Event Co-ordinator Bichumo N. Lotha.
Altogether 11 colleges participated in the event.
The Model Christian College, Kohima, organised its annual Parents/Guardians Forum [PGF] & Teachers meet on the 29th July 2023, at the college auditorium. The programme was moderated by Sashi Molier, Secretary, PGF and started by invoking God’s blessing by Mrs.Asangla Francis. The Managing Director of the college, S.P. Francis, exhorted the parents and teachers to work together in making responsible citizens. Dr. Luke Rymbai, Principal, highlighted the new academic curriculum and stressed on the importance of the new education system. A special song was performed by Mrs AsenlaJamir, Astt. Prof. [History].There was also a time for feedback and interaction between the parents and teachers of different departments. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks from Caroline Shilena, Jt. Secy, PGF and closing prayer pronounced by Mrs Kajiini Karang, Treasurer, PGF.
Model Christian College, Kohima, hosted a felicitation programme at the college auditorium on the 19th of July 2023 for toppers in the recently conducted Nagaland University Examination. The college gave away a certificate of recognition and a cash prize to two students, Ashuni Krichena (Department of Geology) and Likhumse Sangtam (Department of Botany). The College’s Women’s Cell also acknowledged three girl students from both Arts and Science streams Moshuni Ariicho and Niloli otsa (Department of Political Science) and Ashuni Krichena (Department of Geology) for scoring the highest CGPA in the college. Furthermore, the faculties from the Department of Geology and Department of Botany were also felicitated with cash awards.